Lab Grown Gemstones
Since we will be add new jewelry to our shop with laboratory grown gemstones we'd like to explain how these gemstones are made and the benefits.
The amazing thing is in this world of advanced technology we are able to create a controlled environment to allow us to grown crystals. In nature, gemstones are created over millions of years and are flawed by the earth's formation process. That is how jewelers can tell the difference between natural gemstones and lab grown gemstones. The wonderful thing is that lab grown gemstones are 100% the same chemical composition, same physical properties and score the same on the Mohs scale as natural mined gemstones. So if we take a lab grown blue sapphire and set it next to a mined natural sapphire, the only difference is the lab grown is going to be the more desired color and clarity then the natural gemstone.
Now are laboratory grown gemstones as valuable? Yes, they are valuable but also slightly less expensive then natural mined gemstones. These values can be slightly different depending on the family of gemstones we are looking at. But a laboratory grown ruby is a wonderful option to a natural ruby that maybe extremely expensive and not as clear visually.